This year’s Charity Days are on Wed 29 and Thu 30 Nov 2017.
Book your appointment online or call for an appointment at 62351220.
Club Rainbow‘s mission is to support and empower children with chronic illnesses and their families by providing compassionate relevant services in their journey towards an enriching life.
Many of their services are geared towards helping the entire family in a holistic way as every family member is likely to be impacted by the Rainbow child’s illness in one form or another. By providing compassionate relevant services, Club Rainbow aims to give all their beneficiaries a better quality of life and hope for the future.
Back II Life will donate 25% of the total revenue received for ALL treatments given on Wed 29 and Thu 30 Nov to Club Rainbow. Please assist by not utilizing packages for payment during Charity Days. Payment by cash, NETs or credit cards accepted.
Support our practice on this year’s Charity Days!
Call for an appointment 62351220.
Or book your appointment online now.
Thank you for helping us to make a difference in the lives of others.
About Back II Life’s Annual Charity Days
Charity is important as it allows us to reach out, and help those that are in need of our support. Back II Life’s practice is to help people, and this is just an extension of that purpose. Please support Back II Life’s way of giving back to the community.
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