SLAP Dance Studio

Congratulations for being part of the SLAP Performance Programme! As you may or may not know, Back II Life has been actively supporting members of the pole community since the very beginning. As you embark on this exciting dance journey, we are pleased to provide a holistic approach to the SLAP Performance Programme.

Back II Life is committed to providing customized solutions to keep you working in optimum condition. We have treatment packages which will help you to recover fast, relieve pain and promote healing. Down time is reduced and you can continue training as you get closer to your performance date and intensify training.
Back II Life Special Packages for SLAP Performance Programme from 1 May to 31 Aug 2018:

Package prices range from $499 to $999.
Please call 62351220 or email to enquire.

ShockWave for a Stronger Grip
1 Chiropractic Assessment
with customised exercise programme
+ 3-session shockwave treatments
+ Theraband Flex Bar


ShockWave Packages
– for Shoulder & Elbow Pain
– for Hip & Knee Pain
– for Foot & Ankle Pain
1 Chiropractic Assessment
+ 5-session shockwave treatments


Back & Neck Starter Package
10 sessions Chiropractic


General Muscle Stiffness 8-session Package
1 Chiropractic Assessment
+ 8 x 1-hr sessions PhysioMassage
& *Radio Frequency Therapy


General Muscle Stiffness 3-session Package
1 Chiropractic Assessment
+ 3 x 1-hr sessions PhysioMassage
& *Radio Frequency Therapy


For packages purchased by SLAP instructors and recital students from 1 May to 31 Aug 2018, Back II Life will also include an additional complimentary 30-min physio-massage and GaitScan with customised orthotics advice.

As you work intensely on perfecting your performance routines and tricks, the huge variety of movements and techniques you ask of your bodies also means you have many more potential chances for muscle strain and injury. Elite athletes don’t just train, they take care of themselves by doing what’s necessary to keep their bodies in tip-top shape to perform.

Book your appointment now!

Subheading text here

Terms & Conditions:

  • Valid for SLAP Instructors and Recital students only.
  • SLAP Performance Programme packages can be purchased between 1 May to 31 Aug 2018.
  • RF is not suitable for pregnant women; please advise if you are pregnant when booking your massage.
  • Prices not inclusive of GST.
  • Other T&Cs may apply.